Boxing Day Sale Terms & Conditions
Sale commences 7.00am Sunday 26.12.21 and concludes Sunday 02.01.22 @ 11.59pm AEDT
Discounts applied at checkout when discount code is used. Discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or offer. Due to the high volume of demand, Just Resin cannot guarantee the availability of stock during the offer period.
- Discount applied to selected items. Orders cannot be amended during the sale. Stock is limited.
- Dispatch to commence from January the 6th 2021.
Allow 5-15 business days for dispatch from the 6th of January. Transit delays will be expected during this time. Please select express if you need your items in a hurry.
For any updates to expected delivery times, please refer to your selected couriers website.
This offer is not redeemable on gift cards.
- Orders must be placed during the sale, for discounts to apply.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Happy Creating, from the JR Team.